On December 5, 2016, PHS organised the first community workshop which was attended by informal dwellers residing in various communities in the M-East Ward. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the course of action post the BMC’s approval of water for all. We also discussed the technicalities of facilitating the process of getting the water connection along with the internal challenges in the communities over water.
On November 13, _, the MCGM rolled back Mumbai’s Water Distribution Improvement Project (WDIP), which would have privatised water distribution in the K-East Ward.
November 19 is known as World Toilet Day.
On November 26, _, Ambujwadi received its first ever official water connection.
On November 28, 2016, the Pani Pilao Abhiyan was carried out successfully. Over a 1000 informal dwellers from 19 communities gathered outside the BMC office with samples of the water they were forced to use for their daily use. This movement concluded in the MCGM rolling out the Water for All policy.